Difference: TWikiDocGraphics (51 vs. 52)

Revision 5208 Oct 2013 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Documentation Graphics and File Type Icons

Line: 7 to 7

All icons at a glance

List of unique icons defined in TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics. Hover over the icon to get icon information.
List of unique icons defined in TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics. Hover over the icon to get icon information.
  action-item addon air airplane analyze application arrowbdown arrowbleft arrowbright arrowbup arrowdot arrowdown arrowleft arrowright arrowup as attachfile award barcode bat bed bitly blank blank-bg blogger bmp bomb book bridge bubble bug building buildings c cachetopic calculator car changes changes-small chart-bar chart-pie checked checked-round checked-square choice-cancel choice-no choice-yes clipboard clock close closed code color-wheel color-wheel-bg comments connections control-panel counter c css dashboard database days delegate delicious desk digg dll doc doc done dot_ld dot_lr dot_lrd dot_rd dot_ud dot_udl dot_udlr dot_udr dot_ul dot_ulr dot_ur down download edittable edittopic else eml empty exe external external-link facebook factory fax feed filter first-class fla flag flag-gray flag-gray-small folder fon food gear gif globe goal go_back go_end go_fb go_ff go_forward google google-plus go_start graduation group h hand heart help help-close help-open help-video hlp home hourglass html index indexlist info java jpg js js key led-aqua led-bg led-blue led-box-aqua led-box-blue led-box-gray led-box-green led-box-orange led-box-purple led-box-red led-box-yellow led-cup-aqua led-cup-blue led-cup-gray led-cup-gray-close led-cup-gray-minus led-cup-gray-plus led-cup-green led-cup-green-plus led-cup-orange led-cup-purple led-cup-red led-cup-red-close led-cup-yellow led-cup-yellow-minus led-gray led-green led-orange led-purple led-red led-yellow left legal line_ld line_lr line_lrd line_rd line_ud line_udl line_udlr line_udr line_ul line_ulr line_ur line_ur_gray linkedin lock lockfolder lockfoldergray lock-open locktopic locktopicgray login logout luggage mail map mdb mechanics meeting megaphone menu-down menu-right milestone milestone-add minus mission mobile mobile-carrier monospace more more-small mov move new newtopic node-minus node-minus_r node-minus_udr node-minus_ur node-plus node-plus_r node-plus_udr node-plus_ur note notify opportunity xps package parent_gray parked parts pdf pencil person persona persons phone phone-extension phone-toll-free photo pick pl plug plugin plus png ppt ppt presentation printtopic process processing processing-32 processing-32-bg processing-bar processing-bar-wide processing-bg profile program program-add project project-add project-plan proportional ps psd puzzle py qrcode question quiet radioactive ram recentchanges reddit refresh refreshtopic reg reload reload-green remove request requirements rfc right roadmap rss rss-feed rss-small save searchpackage search-small searchtag searchtopic see-also sh shipping html sitemap sitetree skin skype smartphone sms sniff socket sort sprint star-full stargold star-half star-none starred statistics stop strategy stumbleupon support svg swf switch switch-off switch-on table tablesortdiamond tablesortdown tablesortup tag tag-blue tag-brown tag-green tag-magenta tag-orange tag-purple tag-red tag-yellow target target-blue target-gray target-green target-orange target-red tasks technorati thumbs-down thumbs-up tip todo toggleclose toggleclose-mini toggleclose-small toggleopen toggleopenleft toggleopenleft-small toggleopen-mini toggleopen-small toolbox tooth topicbacklinks topicdiffs topmenu traffic-light trash ttf twiki twiki-alert twiki-gray twiki-help twiki-irc twitter txt unchecked unchecked-round unchecked-square up updated useractive useradd userinactive uweb-bo uweb-bo12 uweb-g uweb-gs uweb-m12 uweb-o uweb-o12 uweb-o14 uweb-oo uweb-os vcard vector video viewtopic vision vsd vsd warning watch watchlist wav web-bg web-bg-small windows wip wrench wri xls xls xmind xml xml-feed xml-small xps xsl ying-yang youtube zip
Total: 416 unique icons


Write this: To get: Raw view:
%ICON{help}% Help <img src="/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/help.gif" .... />
%ICON{ "tip" format="$url" }% tip.gif https://fes-wiki.de/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/tip.gif
See extended usage below
%ICONURL{parts}% parts.gif https://fes-wiki.de/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/parts.gif
See extended usage below

Documentation graphics

Line: 28 to 31
  Variable Description Type Size Alias
Action item %ICON{action-item}% Action item gif 16x16  
Analyze %ICON{analyze}% Analyze gif 16x16  
Airplane %ICON{airplane}% Airplane gif 16x16  
Award %ICON{award}% Award gif 16x16  
Barcode %ICON{barcode}% Barcode gif 16x16  
Line: 47 to 51
Color wheel, transparent %ICON{color-wheel-bg}% Color wheel, transparent gif 16x16  
Comments %ICON{comments}% Comments gif 16x16  
Connections %ICON{connections}% Connections gif 16x16  
Control panel %ICON{control-panel}% Control panel gif 16x16  
Counter %ICON{counter}% Counter gif 16x16  
Dashboard %ICON{dashboard}% Dashboard gif 16x16  
Database %ICON{database}% Database gif 16x16  
Days, Calendar %ICON{days}% Days, Calendar gif 16x16  
Download %ICON{download}% Download gif 16x16  
Factory %ICON{factory}% Factory gif 16x16  
Fax %ICON{fax}% Fax gif 16x16  
Filter %ICON{filter}% Filter gif 16x16  
Food %ICON{food}% Food gif 16x16  
Line: 77 to 84
Read more %ICON{more-small}% Read more gif 13x13  
Move %ICON{move}% Move gif 16x16  
Note %ICON{note}% Note gif 16x16  
Opportunity %ICON{opportunity}% Opportunity gif 16x16  
Parked %ICON{parked}% Parked gif 16x16  
Parts %ICON{parts}% Parts gif 16x16  
Pencil %ICON{pencil}%, %P% Pencil gif 16x16  
Phone %ICON{phone}% Phone gif 16x16  
Phone extension %ICON{phone-extension}% Phone extension gif 16x16  
Toll-free Phone %ICON{phone-toll-free}% Toll-free Phone gif 16x16  
Photo %ICON{photo}% Photo gif 13x10  
Plug %ICON{plug}% Plug gif 16x16  
Presentation %ICON{presentation}% Presentation gif 16x16  
Line: 113 to 123
Strategy %ICON{strategy}% Strategy gif 16x16  
Support %ICON{support}% Support gif 16x16  
Switch %ICON{switch}% Switch gif 16x16  
Switch off %ICON{switch-off}% Switch off gif 16x16  
Switch on %ICON{switch-on}% Switch on gif 16x16  
Target %ICON{target}% Target gif 16x16  
Target - blue %ICON{target-blue}% Target - blue gif 16x16  
Target - gray %ICON{target-gray}% Target - gray gif 16x16  
Line: 132 to 144
Vision %ICON{vision}% Vision gif 16x16  
Warning, important %ICON{warning}%, %X% Warning, important gif 16x16  
Watch %ICON{watch}% Watch gif 16x16  
Watchlist %ICON{watchlist}% Watchlist gif 16x16  
Work in progress, under construction %ICON{wip}% Work in progress, under construction gif 16x16  
Wrench, tools %ICON{wrench}% Wrench, tools gif 16x16  
Ying Yang %ICON{ying-yang}% Ying Yang gif 16x16  
Line: 261 to 274
Flag %ICON{flag}% Flag gif 16x16  
Gray flag %ICON{flag-gray}% Gray flag gif 16x16  
Small gray flag %ICON{flag-gray-small}% Small gray flag gif 13x13  
Transparent LED %ICON{led-bg}% Transparent LED png 16x16  
Aqua led %ICON{led-aqua}% Aqua led gif 16x16  
Blue led %ICON{led-blue}% Blue led gif 16x16  
Gray led %ICON{led-gray}% Gray led gif 16x16  
Line: 336 to 350
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Variable Description Type Size Alias
Monospace %ICON{monospace}% Monospace gif 16x16  
Proportional %ICON{proportional}% Proportional gif 16x16  
Pick %ICON{pick}% Pick gif 13x19  
Sort table %ICON{tablesortdiamond}% Sort table gif 11x13  
Sort table descending %ICON{tablesortdown}% Sort table descending gif 11x13  
Sort table ascending %ICON{tablesortup}% Sort table ascending gif 11x13  
Line: 397 to 412
Dot graph up-left %ICON{dot_ul}% Dot graph up-left gif 16x16  
Dot graph up-left-right %ICON{dot_ulr}% Dot graph up-left-right gif 16x16  
Dot graph up-right %ICON{dot_ur}% Dot graph up-right gif 16x16  
Minus node graph %ICON{node-minus}% Minus node graph gif 16x16  
Minus node graph right %ICON{node-minus_r}% Minus node graph right gif 16x16  
Minus node graph up-down-right %ICON{node-minus_udr}% Minus node graph up-down-right gif 16x16  
Minus node graph up-right %ICON{node-minus_ur}% Minus node graph up-right gif 16x16  
Plus node graph %ICON{node-plus}% Plus node graph gif 16x16  
Plus node graph right %ICON{node-plus_r}% Plus node graph right gif 16x16  
Plus node graph up-down-right %ICON{node-plus_udr}% Plus node graph up-down-right gif 16x16  
Plus node graph up-right %ICON{node-plus_ur}% Plus node graph up-right gif 16x16  
Empty transparent 16x16 spacer %ICON{empty}% Empty transparent 16x16 spacer gif 16x16  
Parent arrow %ICON{parent_gray}% Parent arrow gif 16x16  
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ICON Variable

Use any of the doc graphics defined in TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics. The ICON variable supports these parameters:
Use any of the doc graphics defined in TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics. The ICON variable supports these parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"name" Name of icon required
Line: 517 to 540
  TIP Hint: The $LIST...() functions of the SpreadSheetPlugin can be used to manipulate a name list. Example:
Action item Add-on Adobe Air Airplane Analyze Application Arrow blue down Arrow blue left Arrow blue right Arrow blue up Meet here Arrow down Arrow left Arrow right Arrow up ActionScript Attach file Award Barcode MS-DOS batch file Bed Bit.ly Blank box Blank box, transparent Blogger Bitmap Bomb Book Bridge Speech bubble Bug Building Buildings C source code file Cache topic Calculator Car Changes Changes Bar chart Pie chart Checked checkbox Checked checkbox, round Checked checkbox, square Cancel No Yes / Done Clipboard Clock Close CLOSED Code Color wheel Color wheel, transparent Comments Connections Control panel Counter C source code file Cascading Style Sheet file Dashboard Database Days, Calendar Delegate Delicious Desk Digg Dynamic Linked Library; Microsoft application file Microsoft Word file Microsoft Word file DONE Dot graph left-down Dot graph left-right Dot graph left-right-down Dot graph right-down Dot graph up-down Dot graph up-down-left Dot graph up-down-left-right Dot graph up-down-right Dot graph up-left Dot graph up-left-right Dot graph up-right Down Download Edit table Edit topic Unknown file format Microsoft Outlook e-mail file Empty transparent 16x16 spacer Microsoft Executable file External site External link Facebook Factory Fax RSS feed, rounded corners Filter First class Macromedia Flash Movie Flag Gray flag Small gray flag Folder Windows bitmapped font file Food Gear GIF Globe Goal Go back Go to end Go fast back Go fast forward Go forward Google Google Plus Go to start Graduation Group Header file Pointing hand Heart Help Help close Help open Help video Standard help file Home Hourglass HTML Index Index list Info Java source code file JPEG JavaScript JavaScript Key Aqua led Transparent LED Blue led Aqua led Blue led Gray led Green led Orange led Purple led Red led Yellow led Aqua LED Blue LED Gray LED Gray close LED Gray minus LED Gray plus LED Green LED Green plus LED Orange LED Purple LED Red LED Red close LED Yellow LED Yellow minus LED Gray led Green led Orange led Purple led Red led Yellow led Left Legal Line graph left-down Line graph left-right Line graph left-right-down Line graph right-down Line graph up-down Line graph up-down-left Line graph up-down-left-right Line graph up-down-right Line graph up-left Line graph up-left-right Line graph up-right Line graph up-right, gray LinkedIn Lock Locked folder Locked folder, gray Lock, unlocked Locked topic Locked topic, gray Login Log out Luggage Mail Map Microsoft Access database File Mechanics Meeting Megaphone Menu dropdown Menu arrow right Milestone Add milestone Minus Mission Mobile Mobile carrier Monospace Read more Read more Quicktime movie Move NEW New topic Minus node graph Minus node graph right Minus node graph up-down-right Minus node graph up-right Plus node graph Plus node graph right Plus node graph up-down-right Plus node graph up-right Note Notify Opportunity XPS Package Parent arrow Parked Parts PDF Pencil Person Persona Persons Phone Phone extension Toll-free Phone Photo Pick Perl source code file Plug Plugin Plus PNG PowerPoint PowerPoint Presentation Print topic Process Processing Processing Processing, transparent Processing bar Processing bar, wide Processing, transparent Profile Program Add program Project Add project Project plan Proportional Postscript Photoshop document Puzzle Python source code file QR Code Question Quiet Radioactive RealAudio Recent changes Reddit Refresh Refresh topic Registry file Reload Reload green Remove button, small Request Requirements Request for comments Right Roadmap RSS feed, gray box RSS feed RSS feed, text Save Search package Small search button Search tag Search topic See also Unix shell script Shipping HTML Site map Site tree Skin Skype Smartphone SMS sniff Socket Sort Sprint Star (full) Gold star, favorites Star (half) Star (none) Red star, highlight Statistics Stop Strategy Stumbleupon Support SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) SWF (Shockwave Flash) Switch Switch off Switch on Table Sort table Sort table descending Sort table ascending Tag Blue tag Brown tag Green tag Magenta tag Orange tag Purple tag Red tag Yellow tag Target Target - blue Target - gray Target - green Target - orange Target - red Tasks Technorati Thumbs-down Thumbs-up Tip, idea TODO Close toggle, Twisty close toggle Close toggle, Twisty close toggle Close toggle, Twisty close toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Toolbox Tooth Topic back-links Topic difference Topmenu Traffic light Trash True Type font TWiki logo TWiki Alert TWiki logo, gray scale TWiki help TWiki Internet Relay Chat Twitter Text Unchecked checkbox Unchecked checkbox, round Unchecked checkbox, square Up UPDATED Active user Add user Inactive user UWEB (Universal Wiki Edit Button), blue, outline UWEB, blue, outline, small UWEB, green (default) UWEB, green, square UWEB, black, small UWEB, orange UWEB, orange, small UWEB, orange, small UWEB, orange, outline UWEB, orange, square VCard Generic vector Video View topic Vision Visio document Visio document Warning, important Watch Watchlist Waveform sound file Web background Web background Windows Work in progress, under construction Wrench, tools Windows Write Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet XMind XML XML feed XML feed XPS XSL (XML style sheet) Ying Yang YouTube Compressed Zip archive
Action item Add-on Adobe Air Airplane Analyze Application Arrow blue down Arrow blue left Arrow blue right Arrow blue up Meet here Arrow down Arrow left Arrow right Arrow up ActionScript Attach file Award Barcode MS-DOS batch file Bed Bit.ly Blank box Blank box, transparent Blogger Bitmap Bomb Book Bridge Speech bubble Bug Building Buildings C source code file Cache topic Calculator Car Changes Changes Bar chart Pie chart Checked checkbox Checked checkbox, round Checked checkbox, square Cancel No Yes / Done Clipboard Clock Close CLOSED Code Color wheel Color wheel, transparent Comments Connections Control panel Counter C source code file Cascading Style Sheet file Dashboard Database Days, Calendar Delegate Delicious Desk Digg Dynamic Linked Library; Microsoft application file Microsoft Word file Microsoft Word file DONE Dot graph left-down Dot graph left-right Dot graph left-right-down Dot graph right-down Dot graph up-down Dot graph up-down-left Dot graph up-down-left-right Dot graph up-down-right Dot graph up-left Dot graph up-left-right Dot graph up-right Down Download Edit table Edit topic Unknown file format Microsoft Outlook e-mail file Empty transparent 16x16 spacer Microsoft Executable file External site External link Facebook Factory Fax RSS feed, rounded corners Filter First class Macromedia Flash Movie Flag Gray flag Small gray flag Folder Windows bitmapped font file Food Gear GIF Globe Goal Go back Go to end Go fast back Go fast forward Go forward Google Google Plus Go to start Graduation Group Header file Pointing hand Heart Help Help close Help open Help video Standard help file Home Hourglass HTML Index Index list Info Java source code file JPEG JavaScript JavaScript Key Aqua led Transparent LED Blue led Aqua led Blue led Gray led Green led Orange led Purple led Red led Yellow led Aqua LED Blue LED Gray LED Gray close LED Gray minus LED Gray plus LED Green LED Green plus LED Orange LED Purple LED Red LED Red close LED Yellow LED Yellow minus LED Gray led Green led Orange led Purple led Red led Yellow led Left Legal Line graph left-down Line graph left-right Line graph left-right-down Line graph right-down Line graph up-down Line graph up-down-left Line graph up-down-left-right Line graph up-down-right Line graph up-left Line graph up-left-right Line graph up-right Line graph up-right, gray LinkedIn Lock Locked folder Locked folder, gray Lock, unlocked Locked topic Locked topic, gray Login Log out Luggage Mail Map Microsoft Access database File Mechanics Meeting Megaphone Menu dropdown Menu arrow right Milestone Add milestone Minus Mission Mobile Mobile carrier Monospace Read more Read more Quicktime movie Move NEW New topic Minus node graph Minus node graph right Minus node graph up-down-right Minus node graph up-right Plus node graph Plus node graph right Plus node graph up-down-right Plus node graph up-right Note Notify Opportunity XPS Package Parent arrow Parked Parts PDF Pencil Person Persona Persons Phone Phone extension Toll-free Phone Photo Pick Perl source code file Plug Plugin Plus PNG PowerPoint PowerPoint Presentation Print topic Process Processing Processing Processing, transparent Processing bar Processing bar, wide Processing, transparent Profile Program Add program Project Add project Project plan Proportional Postscript Photoshop document Puzzle Python source code file QR Code Question Quiet Radioactive RealAudio Recent changes Reddit Refresh Refresh topic Registry file Reload Reload green Remove button, small Request Requirements Request for comments Right Roadmap RSS feed, gray box RSS feed RSS feed, text Save Search package Small search button Search tag Search topic See also Unix shell script Shipping HTML Site map Site tree Skin Skype Smartphone SMS sniff Socket Sort Sprint Star (full) Gold star, favorites Star (half) Star (none) Red star, highlight Statistics Stop Strategy Stumbleupon Support SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) SWF (Shockwave Flash) Switch Switch off Switch on Table Sort table Sort table descending Sort table ascending Tag Blue tag Brown tag Green tag Magenta tag Orange tag Purple tag Red tag Yellow tag Target Target - blue Target - gray Target - green Target - orange Target - red Tasks Technorati Thumbs-down Thumbs-up Tip, idea TODO Close toggle, Twisty close toggle Close toggle, Twisty close toggle Close toggle, Twisty close toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Open toggle, Twisty open toggle Toolbox Tooth Topic back-links Topic difference Topmenu Traffic light Trash True Type font TWiki logo TWiki Alert TWiki logo, gray scale TWiki help TWiki Internet Relay Chat Twitter Text Unchecked checkbox Unchecked checkbox, round Unchecked checkbox, square Up UPDATED Active user Add user Inactive user UWEB (Universal Wiki Edit Button), blue, outline UWEB, blue, outline, small UWEB, green (default) UWEB, green, square UWEB, black, small UWEB, orange UWEB, orange, small UWEB, orange, small UWEB, orange, outline UWEB, orange, square VCard Generic vector Video View topic Vision Visio document Visio document Warning, important Watch Watchlist Waveform sound file Web background Web background Windows Work in progress, under construction Wrench, tools Windows Write Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet XMind XML XML feed XML feed XPS XSL (XML style sheet) Ying Yang YouTube Compressed Zip archive
  Is equivalent to:
Line: 526 to 549

How to add doc graphic images

Additional doc graphic images can be defined. Do not add them to this topic because the modifications will be lost on the next TWiki upgrade. Instead add them to Main.SiteDocGraphics.
Additional doc graphic images can be defined. Do not add them to this topic because the modifications will be lost on the next TWiki upgrade. Instead add them to Main.SiteDocGraphics.
Note: Documentation graphics are defined in TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics. The list of documentation graphics topics is defined by the ICONTOPIC setting in TWiki.TWikiPreferences and can be overloaded in Main.TWikiPreferences.
Note: Documentation graphics are defined in TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics. The list of documentation graphics topics is defined by the ICONTOPIC setting in TWiki.TWikiPreferences and can be overloaded in Main.TWikiPreferences.

Refresh icon cache

TWiki caches icons for performance. The cache gets updated automatically when you update TWikiDocGraphics topics or TWikiPreferences topics. You can force a cache refresh with %ICON{action:refresh-cache}%.

Interactive example: Refresh ICON cache.
Refresh ICON cache now

License, Copyright and Work

Line: 549 to 572
  Distribution and use of this TWiki Documentation Graphics library is permitted with proper attribution pointing to the work at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics using one of the two aforementioned licenses.
Related Topics: VarICON, TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics, TWikiDocGraphicsTemplate, TWikiSkins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory
Related Topics: VarICON, TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics, TWikiDocGraphicsTemplate, TWikiSkins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory
  Contributors: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1169565034" name="addon.gif" path="addon.gif" size="370" user="TWikiContributor" version=""
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1169565034" name="led-box-aqua.gif" path="led-box-aqua.gif" size="393" user="TWikiContributor" version=""
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